Privacy Policy

We take our customers’ (collectively “you”, “your”) privacy very seriously and are committed to being transparent with how we use your information. Dreamsail Games (collectively “we” or “us”) receives information from users through our Services. The “Services” include our games (including “Blade Ballet” and "The IOTA Project"),, associated sites, social media channels (such as our Facebook page, or Twitter account), forums and any associated mobile or web apps.

Our Privacy Policy explains:

  • What information we collect and why we collect it.
  • How we use that information.
  • With whom we share that information and under what conditions.
  • The choices we offer, including how to access, update, or remove that information.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at:

What Types of Information Do We Collect From You?

Personal Information. We may collect Personal Information that you willingly provide to us, such as your name and email address.

Non-Personal Information. We may also collect non-personal information from you, such as your browser type, the URL of the previous website you visited, your ISP, operating system, and your Internet protocol (IP) Address, ("Non-Personal Information"). Non-Personal Information cannot be easily used to personally identify you.

How and When Do We Collect This Information?

When You Provide Information to Us. We collect Personal Information from you when you provide it to us. For example, if you sign up for one of our newsletters we will collect your name and email address in order to send you that newsletter.

Communications With Us. If you communicate with us regarding the Services, we will collect any information that you provide to us in any such communication including your contact details and the content of your communication. These communications include when you contact us through one of our social media accounts, such as our Facebook page or our Twitter or Instagram accounts. The information we collect may include photos you send us or post through the Service or written testimonials. We may use this information, including photos, quotes and other information you provide to us, as part of our marketing and customer outreach (such as in newsletters, photos and testimonials on our website, etc). If you wish for us to stop using a particular piece of information in this manner, please contact us at and specify which information you would like us to remove.

Analytic and Reporting Technologies. Like the operators of most websites, we use analytic and reporting technologies and partner with third parties such as Google Analytics to record both Personal Information such as location and demographics as well as Non-Personal Information such as internet domain and host names, internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser software, operating system types, clickstream patterns, and the dates and times that the Services are accessed. This data is only used to help manage, monitor and optimize our Services and products and to help you customize your experience while using the Services (by saving settings). To do this, we may use web beacons and cookies (code that saves information about your preferences and activities on our websites. You may disable the use of Cookies in your browser and continue to use the Services and Website, though certain customization features may be disabled. 

Signing In via Social Network Account. When you play our games via a console platform such as the Playstation PSN, you will be required to log in to that network before accessing the game’s multiplayer functions. These third party sign-on features will enable us to access the information such as account name, “friend list”, and other information associated with your account. We may use that information for purposes described in this Privacy Policy. To learn more about what information the console platform collects when you use it to sign in to one of the Services, please refer to the privacy policy for that third party’s site.

How Do We Use Your Information?

Personal Information. We use Personal Information primarily for our own internal purposes, such as providing, maintaining, evaluating, and improving the Services, fulfilling requests for information, and providing customer support. For example, if you sign up to receive one of our newsletters, we will use the email address you provide to send you the newsletters.

Non-Personal Information. We use Non-Personal Information to track the use of the Services, including our websites and games and for other internal purposes, such as providing, maintaining, evaluating, and improving the Services.
When Will We Disclose Your Information to Third Parties?
Disclosure to Successors. We may disclose your Personal Information to any successor-in-interest of ours, such as a company that acquires us. In the event Dreamsail Games goes through a business transition, such as a merger or acquisition by or with another company, or sale of all or a portion of our assets, your Personal Information will likely be among the assets transferred. You will be notified via email or by a notice on our Website of any such change in ownership or control of your Personal Information.

Disclosure to Unaffiliated Third Parties. We may disclose your Personal Information to prevent an emergency, to prevent harm to others, to respond to legal requirements, to protect or enforce our rights and policies, to protect or enforce the rights of a third party, or as required or permitted by law (including, without limitation, to comply with a subpoena or court order). 

Disclosure to Third Party Service Providers and Online Partners. We may contract with various third parties who help us provide, maintain and improve the Services. For example, we use the online account features of the console platforms (such as Playstation) on which you can access our games.  We also use third party server and matchmaking services with whom we share any technical information necessary to enable our online multiplayer features. We also contract with several online partners to help manage, monitor and optimize our website and the Services and to help us measure the effectiveness of our communications and how visitors use the website and application. We will use commercially reasonable efforts to prevent such third parties from disclosing your Personal Information, except for the purpose of providing the services in question. We cannot guarantee that such third parties will not disclose your Personal Information. Currently, the Online Partners with whom we share your Personal Information include: 

Google Analytics

Each of these Partners has its own privacy policy governing their use of Personal Information, available on their respective websites.
Dreamsail Games does not share, rent or trade your Personal Information with third parties for their promotional purposes.

Disclosure of Non-Personal Information. We may disclose Non-Personal Information, in anonymized, aggregate form, to potential strategic partners, advertisers, investors, customers, and others. For example, we may create reports showing the relatives numbers of users we have in various geographies, or the average number of products purchased by all customers in a certain location. You may not opt-out of the sharing of this information. However this data would not allow our partners to identify you or any specific individual. 

How Do We Protect Your Personal Information?

Personal Information. Whenever we obtain your Personal Information, we use commercially reasonable efforts to protect it from unauthorized access or disclosure. However, we are not insurers of the security of your Personal Information. Accordingly, we assume no liability for any disclosure of data due to errors in transmission, unauthorized third party access or other acts of third parties, or acts or omissions beyond our reasonable control. In the event that some of your Personal Information may have been compromised through unauthorized third parties, we will notify you as soon as we have confirmed such compromise.

How Can You Review and Make Changes to Your Personal Information?

You can obtain a copy of and request that we correct errors in your Personal Information by emailing us at  For your protection, you will be required to provide proof of your identity to obtain a copy of your Personal Information. If your Personal Information changes or if you no longer want to use one or more of the Services, you may correct, update or deactivate your Personal Information by emailing


We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the Personal Information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it. However, no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. Therefore, while we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your Personal Information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Internet-based Transfers

Given that the Internet is a global environment, using the Internet to collect and process Personal Information necessarily involves the transmission of data on an international basis. By providing Dreamsail Games with your Personal Information you acknowledge and agree that we may store your Personal Information and transfer it to and from our servers located in the United States and throughout the world. We endeavor to protect all Personal Information collected through the Website in a safe, confidential and secure manner.

Does This Privacy Policy Apply When I Access Third Party Websites?

You may be able to access third party websites directly from our websites. This Privacy Policy does not apply when you access third party websites. We cannot control how third parties may use Personal Information you disclose to them, so you should carefully review the privacy policy of any third party website you visit before using it or disclosing your Personal Information to its provider.

Children's Privacy

Children Under Thirteen. We do not knowingly collect or use any Personal Information from children that we know to be under the age of 13. In addition, we will delete any information in our possession that we come to know originates from a child under the age of 13. If you believe that your child’s Personal Information was mistakenly collected through our Services, please contact us immediately at and we will work with you to determine if this is the case and remove such information if necessary.

Can You Opt-Out From Receiving Communications From Us?

If you no longer wish to receive our newsletters and promotional communications, you may opt-out of receiving them by following the instructions included in each newsletter or communication or by emailing us at

If we disclose your Personal Information to a third party in a manner that is not set forth in this Privacy Policy you will be notified so that you can make an informed choice about sharing your Personal Information with that third party.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We may make changes to the Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any material changes by sending you an email, posting a notice on the home page of the Website, or posting a notice in your account when you first login after we have made changes. If you receive notification of a change in our Privacy Policy, you must review the new Privacy Policy carefully to make sure you understand our practices and procedures. You may not be able to receive notices from us if your cookies are not set to accept and/or are disabled.